Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yeah It keeps us runnin'...

We've done it! Yes we have, Corey and I have taken our years of experience working for other people and jumped right in! No more complaining about the boss getting us down because we are the boss ... and the production staff, customer service rep, webmaster, etc., you get the picture. So here we are with a great product, 9 bar espresso. Corey has been roasting and and selling this product for about four years now and it has had good success but now we are here to take it to the next level with our own branding. 9 bar espresso is fresh, full-bodied, espresso roasts with a rich complexity that is delicious from beginning to end. Dare I say chocolaty, no not even dare because it is! I love true gourmet high coco content dark chocolate and this espresso is the coffee form of this kind of dark chocolate. Did I drink black coffee before meeting Corey? No and I never thought I would but it only took a few months of dating him and I was in love with rich black coffee. Now a dog, a house, a marriage, and a baby later I'm still in love with Corey and his rich espresso. So much so his dream of bringing his passion for espresso to others has become mine and we're in it together. So I look forward to updating you on our business, our updated website (, and our coffee filled life here in San Diego.

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